El conocimiento, fruto de la sustancia pensante, el tiempo y la experiencia, ha de estar disponible para todas las personas. (M. G.)

Divya Chikitsa and Sanatan Kriya


While most of the ancient vedic healing sciences are lost in the dusts of kaliyuga and most herbs have become extinct, a fraction of them still can be accessed and even that fraction is enough to achieve amazing results. The human body is not what you greet in the mirror every morning, there are multiple layers to it. And it is not the food and air that runs your body, the body is governed by consciousness. Vedic masters were able to tap into this science of consciousness and affected changes in the body through that.

The secrets to perfect health, glow and radiance of vedic rishis are detailed under the topic of Divya Chikitsa. Divya Chikitsa is a three stage process, each stage working to create balance and harmony in specific layers of the body by expanding one’s consciousness and eliminating toxicity.

  • Stage 1 pertains to opening the blocks and congestions in the physical body and layer immediately next to it, the pranamaya kosha (etheric) through certain asans and breathing techniques.
  • Stage 2 detoxifies the next two layers, the manomaya (logical) and vigyanmaya kosha (intuitive) through specific dhwanis and mantras from Agam and Nigam shastras and the cleansing properties of fire.
  • Stage 3 accesses the anandamaya kosha by deriving force from an awakened white orb of prana (energy)."
Healing Sciences call for high levels of balance and detachment, regular practice of Sanatan Kriya being an essential prerequisite for the effectiveness of these sciences.

Originating from Ashtanaga Yog, Sanatan Kriya is a field of yog that addresses the whole body. The kriya has five basic steps on which it is based. These are named as Ujjai pranayam, rotations, chakra santulan pranayam, panch mahaprana and dhyan with the guru. The Sanatan Kriya is exclusively formulated by Yogi Ashwini, spiritual head of Dhyan foundation.

Sanatan Kriya has numerous benefits that contribute to its popularity among many followers across the world. They are such as follows:

1.The sanatan kriya offers to bring balance and steadiness in the body, especially after it is affected by diseases and stresses of day-to-day life.

2.Since the kriya is exclusively formulated, it also offers to work on the prana of our bodies. Prana is the universal flow of energy which currents in and around the body.

3.The kriya also causes an immediate positive effect on the chakras and the nadis (which are the veins interconnected through the force of life, namely the pranamaya kosh).

4.The kriya, if practised regularly, can bring about balance that helps the body stay away from any kind of disturbances. These disturbances can vary from person to person and can be described as tiredness and hallucinations, often linked to the mind of a person.

5. Once you do the kriya on a regular basis, it is known to bring out a natural glow in your skin, as it is considered to be a cleansing process of your inner self.

Here we have curated a short video which showcases the first three steps of the sanatan kriya: ujjai pranayam, rotations and chakra santulan.

Benefits of ujjai pranayam: Ujjai pranayam provides major benefits for the pranamaya kosh. Since our pranas tend to get blocked due to diseases and stress, ujjai pranayam offers to open these blocks and balance the prana. After the completion of this first step, the body is supposed to feel lighter and revitalized.

Benefits of rotations: In order to get the most out of this step, rotations need to be done in the correct manner; otherwise, the difference will not be felt. Once you do the rotations properly, you will realize how uncoordinated your various body parts are. These rotations help to bring this coordination in place.

Benefits of chakra santulan: Chakras are the seven centres of spiritual power in the body. In the third step, the chakra santulan offers to bring out balance in the chakras and the nadis that provide positive energy to the body. The chakra santulan also helps to bring balance between mind and body.

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